Trevor Paglen: ‘Hide the Real, Show the False’

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Renowned artist Trevor Paglen is set to showcase his thought-provoking exhibition titled ‘Hide the Real, Show the False’ at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) this summer. In an exclusive interview, Paglen delves into the realms of surveillance technology and its intersection with art, shedding light on the perils of AI.

Paglen’s new show aims to explore PSYOPs (psychological and deception operations) and their implications. He has focused extensively on the role of surveillance and technology in our daily lives, particularly examining AI and computer vision. His exploration revolves around the stark differences between the way machines perceive the world compared to human perception.

The artist raises concerns about the ease with which people can be manipulated. Paglen envisions a shift from surveillance capitalism to what he terms “PSYOP capitalism.” In this new era, the media we consume will be not only targeted at us but also generated exclusively for us by AI systems, with the intention of manipulating our thoughts and actions.

Paglen finds this prospect terrifying. With the aid of turbocharged generative AI systems, personalized media will be created based on an individual’s metadata history and the extensive information collected about them. He points out that people are highly susceptible to manipulation, as there is well-documented literature on the subject. Paglen draws from personal experience, recounting how he gets lured into spending significant time on Instagram simply due to targeted surf videos. This realization highlights the immense power wielded by these manipulative techniques, and according to Paglen, we are only scratching the surface of their potential.

In ‘Hide the Real, Show the False,’ Paglen employs PSYOPs as a central theme. The exhibition’s main video installation, titled “Dody,” revolves around a counterintelligence officer who worked at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. This officer claims that UFOs are indeed real and divulges information about crashed spaceships. However, the contradictory nature of his statements creates a mind-bending experience for the viewer. Paglen draws parallels between this complex narrative and platforms like Instagram or ChatGPT, where a similar sense of confusion and mixed truths can be encountered.

Regarding the regulation of AI, Paglen believes that many individuals lack a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its far-reaching implications. He emphasizes the need for people to invest time in comprehending these advancements and their potential consequences. Technology evolves rapidly, making it necessary to stay informed and be proactive in addressing its challenges. Paglen highlights the example of ChatGPT, a single application on a website, as a precursor to even more powerful applications that are currently being developed.

Although Paglen now resides in New York City, he maintains strong ties to Berlin. Having lived in the German capital for five years, he still maintains a studio there and frequently visits. Paglen finds similarities between Berlin and his hometown of San Francisco, perceiving them as places that attract talented individuals driven by creative pursuits rather than solely focusing on financial gain. Berlin has become a hub for many of Paglen’s friends from the Bay Area, and he appreciates the talented individuals who work in his Berlin studio, acknowledging their commitment to artistic endeavors despite potential financial sacrifices.

Trevor Paglen’s exhibition, ‘Hide the Real, Show the False,’ will be on display from June 10th to August 6th at n.b.k. (Chausseestr. 128-129, Mitte).

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